What’s new in the world of comics for 2023? Autobiographical sagas, historical, ecological, or feminist comics, and beyond.The genre continues to reinvent itself and expand. Here’s the proof with these 5 works that caught our eye.

Comics in 2023 are on the rise. Thanks to social media, especially Instagram, the general public seems to be increasingly interested in the 9th art form. The panels we thought were outdated are gradually finding  a prominent place on our screens. They’re an effective medium r for authors, who can finance the publication of their works thanks to the support of their community. The little blue characters of Jonathan W Pyle were able to count on their 615,000 followers, while the young Salomé Lahoche on her 32,000 subscribers –ust to name a couple of examples. In France, the numbers are up. In 2021, comics represented 24% of the titles purchased in the book market, double that of 10 years ago. This increase has been felt across all genres! Sales have also skyrocketed in the United States (+62% in revenue in 2021). It must be said that comics now offer a wide range of reading experiences. Here’s our it-list of the year.

Comics in 2023 for the whole family: “L’Arabe du Futur” by Riad Sattouf 

We’ve been eagerly awaiting it, and here it is at last! The latest installment of the “L’Arabe du futur” saga is now available in bookstores. Its release was greeted with great fanfare as the author has just won the Grand Prix at the Angoulême Festival in France (the equivalent of the Palme d’Or for comics). Thus is quite the  recognition for this autobiographical project started in 2014, translated into 23 languages, with over three million copies sold worldwide. In the sixth volume of his best-selling series, comic book artist Riad Sattouf continues to narrate the twists and turns that agitate his family during his childhood in Syria. This time, he focuses on the years 1994 to 2011, on the eve of the war. This is a perfect  comic  to read alone or with the family to explain some of the major conflicts in the Middle East to children. We won’t spoil it for you, but if you haven’t read the first five volumes yet, you know what to do before starting this one. 

Publisher: Allary Éditions.
Price: 320 DH

Comics in 2023 that raise our ecological awareness: “Le monde sans fin” by Christophe Blain and Jean Marc Jancovici 

You have certainly heard of Jean-Marc Jancovici. This French engineer is known for his strong stance in favor of downsizing,  but also and above all for the fight against climate change. These are the theses he tirelessly defends on television or at many highly

. In order to continue his fight (and the popularization of his scientific ideas), he teamed up with illustrator Blain to create a hard-hitting comic book. The idea? To address the economic and ecological issues facing our contemporary societies. While some examples are specifically French, the book provides a good overview of current debates. It was also the best-selling book in France in 2022! Although it was released in 2021, it deserves its place in our list of 2023 comics, as it remains very topical. 

Publisher: Éditions Dargaud. 
Price: 360 DH

Comics in 2023 that relate the origins  of a struggle: “Gisèle Halimi, une enfance tunisienne” by Danièle Mass and Sylvain Dorange 

Gisèle Halimi’s political struggle and feminist commitment date back to her childhood. Born in Tunisia, the young girl first had to rise up against the dictates of her family, and more broadly of society. As a child, she rebelled against having to serve men at home and perform household chores. The racism and anti-Semitism she experienced pushed her to become politically active  and interested in decolonization. After her baccalaureate, she flew to France where she continued her studies in law and philosophy. There, she led several battles, whether in favor of Tunisian independence or the right to abortion. Far from the battles of her adult life, this brightly illustrated comic book offers an immersion in the daily life of the young girl — a dive into the Tunis of the 1930s that tells the origin of her ideals. We await its release with impatience. 

Publisher: Éditions Delcourt. 
Price: around 180 DH (available for pre-order from February 15, 2023)


Comics in 2023 that deal with the tension between two cultures: “Je suis métisse” by Sayra Begum 

Translated from English to French, Sayra Begum’s graphic novel is directly inspired by the author’s personal story. We follow Shuna, a young woman born to an English father and a Bangladeshi mother. Although Muslim, she decides to marry a non-Muslim. The rest, you might say, is history: parental refusal, weight of tradition and religion, disgrace, etc. But we take pleasure in discovering it through the intimate lens of Begum shares, and  from the perspective of a different culture. 

Publisher: Éditions Delcourt.
Price: around 280 DH

Comics in 2023 that immerse us in early 20th century Tangier: “Tanger sous la pluie” by Fabien Grolleau and Abdel de Bruxelles 

Many artists have been captivated by the beauty of Morocco, especially its sunshine.  Nevertheless,  it was in pouring rain that Henri Matisse would arrive in Tangier with his wife one day in January 1912. Forced to stay in his room, the French painter would then ask for a model to be brought to him. Frustrated, he wanted to practice his art despite the bad weather. The graphic novel relates his encounter with Zohra (a Moroccan prostitute) who came to pose for him.  The result? A very beautiful graphic novel in black, blue and ochre tones. Their two stories intertwine and give the reader a glimpse into the lives of Moroccan women at the beginning of the last century. 

Publisher: Éditions Dargaud.
Price: around 230 DH

Bonus: The comic book that resonates with current events: “Love story à l’iranienne” by Jane Deuxard and Zac Deloupy

Since September 2022 and the death of Mahsa Amini, the whole world has been moved by the fate of Iranian women. On Shoelifer, we have tried to depict the lives of the Iranian people, beyond stereotypes. This effort  has also been undertaken in 2017, in this very beautiful book written by the journalist couple Jane Deuxard (pseudonym of the duo) and the illustrator Zac Deloupy. Thanks to numerous testimonials from Iranian youth, they conceived a  graphic novel that examines  the dreams, questions, and frustrations of Iranians today. A must-read!

Publisher: Éditions Delcourt / Mirages.
Price: around 180 DH

Picture (c) :  Coveteur

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