Digital detox, why not? We know it’s not easy, but you must admit that scrolling a little less and sleeping a little more can’t hurt. Maybe if you stop comparing yourself to social media icons, you’ll feel much better… Alright, we’ll help you with these 8 golden rules to successfully go 24 hours without social media (and without pain).

How do you know it’s time to start a digital detox? If you’ve developed the habit of compulsively scrolling everywhere and at any time of the day, it might be time to let go. With the rapid development of social networks and media, the Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) syndrome is becoming the scourge of the century. It drives us to stay connected all the time to make sure we don’t miss out on what’s happening with our loved ones and in the world. The problem is that with infinite scrolling, the news never stops, unlike a newspaper that closes or a show that ends. As a result, we become addicted, our sleep suffers, and so does our self-esteem. Obviously if we are constantly comparing ourselves to others,  our lives inevitably seem dull… Not to mention the decrease in physical activity in favor of screen time. Numerous scientific studies now link excessive use of social media to increased incidences of depression and anxiety. Is it possible to avoid this extreme? Here are our tips for taking a gentle break.

Rule #1: Prepare the night before

Rest assured, if you don’t turn off your phone the night before, your first action in the morning will be to check your new Facebook and Instagram notifications, among others. But how will you wake up, you ask, since your phone serves as your alarm clock? Look around, you should find a pre-smartphone relic somewhere in your house: the old-fashioned alarm clock. Get ready to wake up in the “nineties.”


Rule #2: Turn on the radio

Are you addicted to the morning news or used to catching up with it on Twitter? No problem, your eyes will pass the baton to your ears: listen to the radio while having breakfast. This will allow you to spread butter on your toast with both hands for a change. Prefer silence? Go out and buy a newspaper. You know, that thing that now only serves to clean your windows…

Rule #3: Use your phone…

Yes, but for actually CALLING people  and nothing else. At work or in relaxation mode, when it’s time for your exchanges (the notorious “debriefings”), make a call. Remember, you’re on a digital detox, so forget about WhatsApp and Messenger too.

Rule #4: Take a nap

You’re going through withdrawals… Not a single retweet, hashtag, or comment to satisfy your cravings. This is the most challenging moment of the detox, like the morning headache when attempting the “sugar-free challenge.” A short nap will do you a world of good. We promise you’ll forget about the urge when you wake up–almost!

digital detox

Rule #5: Enjoy a good snack

Mmmmm, waking up hungry after a nice summer nap just like when you were a kid. Do you know what time it is? It’s snack time! A little moment just for yourself, enjoying your favorite guilty pleasure.

Rule #6: Go for a walk or run

Did you really think rule #5 would be so easy? Not so fast! A digital detox also means a dietary detox. You’ll have to burn off the snack and, above all, force yourself to leave your smartphone at home to resist the temptation of posting the same old stories of your feet walking in the water or running on the sand. Been there, done that!  

Rule #7: Take a long bath

Soft music, bubbles, a few candles, and you should feel disconnected. Didn’t we tell you that breaks are beneficial? It’s almost like a yoga session, where you reconnect with yourself and regain control of your hands, free from their phone appendage.

Rule #8: Go out for dinner with friends

Surround yourself with your friends – precisely the people who might contact you – so you won’t need your phone. If there’s an emergency, your loved ones will know how to reach you. This is the final stretch before going to bed. As soon as you wake up the next morning, we know the first thing you’ll do is recount your hellish day of deprivation in a Facebook status!

The ultimate rule: Lock your phone in a safe and throw away the key

Are you the type who needs to be secretly drugged to be separated from your smartphone? Ask a kind soul in your entourage to take it away from you. Choose someone strong, someone who, despite your pleas or threats, will never tell you where the device is hidden. Congratulations, you’ve successfully completed your digital detox!

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