job interview

Your CV isn’t everything when it comes to succeeding in a job interview. In fact, it’s quite the opposite: when an employer interviews you, they’re evaluating your motivation and personality, not just your qualifications. That’s why it’s better to understand what recruiters are looking for. Brace yourself, you’re in for a surprise!

Being punctual, dressing appropriately, and not lying on your CV: you could say those are the basics for starting a job interview on the right foot. But beyond that, it’s not always easy to prepare well and understand what recruiters are expecting. What are they really trying to do? To trap us, to test us, or simply to get to know us? To shed some light on this, Shoelifer interviewed the Casablanca-based recruitment firm, Eumatech. Founded by Malik Touimi-Benjelloun, they recruit for numerous clients in Africa, especially in Morocco, as well as in Europe. Their human resources consultants highlight five crucial points that candidates might not neglect. Yes, it’s true…

Authenticity and Personality

“About fifteen years ago, recruiters relied solely on professional skills; however, today, they care more about hiring someone with a character and personality that will align with the company’s culture. Gone are the days of hiring solely based on degrees and proficiency in software. Remember, when a recruiter requests to meet a candidate, the CV has already captured their attention. At the interview stage, what they want to know about are the candidate’s soft skills and behavioral competencies, such as communication abilities and social intelligence. Also of great importance in today’s world are autonomy and adaptability.”


“During an interview, the recruiter pays attention to how the candidates express themselves. The candidate shouldn’t get into the weeds with too much detail, but should instead be able to show who they are within three minutes. Career path, personality, accomplishments, etc… So, the right choices must be made to emphasize experiences that bolster their competitiveness as a candidate…One should not hesitate to ask the recruiter if they’d like to focus more on their career, their latest role, or the previous responsibilities  that seem most relevant to the skills required for the position.” The goal is to accommodate the interviewer’s expectations rather than ramble on just to keep the conversation going.”

Questions Asked                                                                      job interview

“Some candidates tend to forget, but the hiring process should be a win-win relationship. The recruiter and the candidate need each other equally. Hence, for the interviewer, it’s crucial to understand the candidate’s curiosity and expectations regarding the position. 

‘If enough details about the company weren’t found while preparing for the interview, it’s perfectly fine to have a series of questions prepared. A recruiter notes whether the candidate is interested in the management style employed by the specific department or even in the company’s culture and vision.’ They should sense that the candidate is looking to flourish within the company in the long term.”

Hobbies                                                                                  job interview

“Did you think that short remark about your bobbies  was insignificant? Think again! 

That’s a trap set by recruiters, and most candidates fall into it. “If the candidate doesn’t have a genuine passion or distinctive interests, it’s better not to include anything. So, forget about reading, cinema, and travel. Because the recruiter will dive into this gap to determine if the candidate lied or if their answers are interesting. However, if the answers reveal the applicant’s personality, it’s a good way to stand out.”



“No, it’s not a bad word! Not only do you  have the right to be ambitious, but you  should express it. “Nobody wants a candidate who’s just looking to put in their hours and go home. If you’re aiming to join a company, it’s important to show your desire to learn and grow, whether that’s vertically or horizontally.” That’s why recruiters are interested in candidates  that want to step out of their comfort zone and are seeking a position beyond their current role. We always come back to the human aspect, not simply the list of qualifications. A recruiter might prefer someone who displays a willingness to learn over another who already has the skills but lacks motivation. It’s even possible that the position ends up being tailored to the selected candidate!'”                                               job interview

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